Book of Ruth / Character Series – Summer 2023

Pathways to Character Sermon Series: How to build a character of integrity

Few of us would argue that western society is facing an integrity crisis. Whether it’s politicians who are indicted for breaking the law, churches and government who tried to abolish a culture and heritage through a program of residential schools, police forces accused of racism and brutality, price-fixing by supermarkets or entrepreneurs and royals accused of sex with minors the list goes on and on.

And the question is, how did we get here? What prompts individuals and institutions to make choices based more on self-interest than the common good? Choices for personal pleasure and gain even as they come with harmful consequences for the most vulnerable?

In our summer 2023 sermon series we studied the characters in Book of Ruth and learned how we can, by following their example, develop a character that protects us from the temptation to compromise our values, and help us make life-giving rather than life-destroying choices. Character that is Christlike in that it only seeks the welfare of others before ourselves.

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Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.