Recent Services  and Series

Series – Autumn 2023

Standing Strong Sermon Series: 1 Thessalonians

How can we “Stand Firm” in our Christian faith in 2023? Events in our lives and in our world can, at times, cause us to doubt in a good, loving and faithful God. Yet we remember that Jesus told us that “in this world we will have trouble, but to ‘take heart’ because He has overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

The early church in Thessalonica needed to be strengthened in their faith and they wrote to the Apostle Paul for clarification about Christ’s return and how they should live in light of it. Paul’s words were an encouragement to them and to us today! You can watch the whole sermon series here.

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Series – Autumn 2023

Generous Sermon Series: The Beauty in Giving

Did you know that being generous is good for you? It’s true! Researchers are discovering and documenting the benefits that come as people engage in generous practices. Being generous has a measurable, positive impact on an individual’s body, mind, and spirit, as well as on wider society.

But sometimes we hold back on giving to others…why is that? Well our world today runs on a scare-city mindset. The world plugs into our fears and worries and tells us there isn’t enough to go around, and so we hoard what we have which weakens our neighbourhoods and communities. This series teaches us about God’s generous character and his promise that if we give, we will be blessed, and so will others! Click below to access the complete series.

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Series – Summer 2023

Pathways to Character Sermon Series: How to build a character of integrity

Few of us would argue that western society is facing an integrity crisis.  Whether it’s politicians who are indicted for breaking the law, churches and government who tried to abolish a culture and heritage through a program of residential schools, police forces accused of racism and brutality, price-fixing by supermarkets or entrepreneurs and royals accused of sex with minors the list goes on and on.

And the question is, how did we get here? What prompts individuals and institutions to make choices based more on self-interest than the common good?  Choices for personal pleasure and gain even as they come with harmful consequences for the most vulnerable?

In our summer 2023 sermon series we studied the characters in Book of Ruth and learned how we can, by following their example, develop a character that protects us from the temptation to compromise our values, and help us make life-giving rather than life-destroying choices. Character that is Christlike in that it only seeks the welfare of others before ourselves. Click below to access the complete series.

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Series – Winter 2023

Looking For Love Sermon Series:

Like the lyrics of the popular country song, isn’t it true that today so many of us are “lookin’ for love in all the wrong places”?

Dating sites and apps proliferate, Facebook social and neighbourhood groups populate our feeds, and yet loneliness is on the rise. According to Statistics Canada, 1 in 10 people surveyed reported being “often or always” lonely. It is a paradox that our generation is the most “connected” electronically, reachable instantly 24/7, and yet this connectedness isn’t resulting in deep, fulfilling relationships with others.

We distract ourselves from this reality by finding short term distractions as we chase the shinier, easier treasures in life. Looking for love in “wrong places” results in a fleeting joy, and a shallow peace.

Love is found by simply turning back toward love’s very source: God. Throughout this series, the name of God or Jesus is often “Love.” We are, indeed, looking for God when we look for love. Lent is a time to make more room for God and assess what we understand to be “treasures” worth our time, our attention, and therefore our love.

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Ask and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.