WiseUP – Winter Series 2024
As one year ends and another begins, we often reflect on our progress toward goals and dreams and take stock. In the course of doing so, we often resolve to do better, perhaps to improve our financial situation, to take better care of our health, to improve our relationships. HOW we go about achieving these goals is often less clear. Where can wisdom be found? Whom can we turn to? In our series: WiseUP: Living Wisely in a Foolish World, we take a look at Biblical wisdom for various aspects of our lives. Click the link below to see all sermons in the series.
February 11 2024 - Wise Up : part 5
This Sunday we will finish our WiseUp sermon series with a look at wisdom as it pertains to money. We know that money can open many doors. If you have a fat wallet you can afford to send your children to private schools, you can take annual vacations to swanky foreign destinations, you can own a large home and many other possessions. That’s why money is often viewed as the universal passport to anywhere.
But as we’ll discover on Sunday there is one door that money cannot open. As Jesus encounters a young, wealthy man, we find that his money owns him. Money, not God is whom he worships. How can we better view our money as a tool to be used, rather than a treasure to be hoarded? Join us Sunday as we dig deeper and gain wisdom in how to manage our money.
Have you ever been harassed or bullied either as an adult or child?
Bullying is on the rise in Canada. One reason is that various technology platforms makes it easier than ever for perpetrators to target someone for bullying, and these attacks can occur 24/7, 365 days a year without bullies ever meeting their victims face-to-face. This anonymity often emboldens bullies to be even more cruel and persistent.
But Jesus tells us to “To you who are ready for the truth, I say this: Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the supple moves of prayer for that person. If someone slaps you in the face, stand there and take it. If someone grabs your shirt, giftwrap your best coat and make a present of it. If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life. No more payback. Live generously. (Luke 6:27-30 THE MESSAGE)
WHAT?! You may exclaim. Is Jesus is asking us to be chumps? Doormats that people can walk all over regardless of how they treat you? Isn’t this just an invitation to more bullying?
If these are your questions, I invite you to join us Sunday as we explore just what exactly Jesus is trying to teach us about dealing with bullies or enemies of any kind.
To prepare, read ahead: Isaiah 41:1-13; Luke 6:27-36 and 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
This Sunday we will look at how we can do better at dealing with conflict in ways that produce stronger relationships, improve our health and strengthen our churches, families and workplaces.
It’s a new year, and perhaps many of you are hoping to improve in one or more areas of our life. Often, in order to improve, we week out experts in various fields. If we wish to improve our finances, we engage a financial advisor to help us. Want to lose weight? Maybe a personal trainer is in order. Yet how often do we view our Bible as perhaps the best source of advice and wisdom of all? In this new series for a new year, we’ll look at what wisdom God’s word provides on a range of topics, but first we’ll look at wisdom itself…what it is and how do we acquire it?
To prepare please read: Proverbs 13:12-18; Psalm 14; James 1:2-8.